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Carbon Neutral

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face today. It is a global crisis that requires urgent action. One of the ways that organizations can contribute to reducing their carbon footprint is by becoming carbon neutral. However, assessing the effectiveness of an organization's carbon neutral initiatives can be a challenging task.


Contractor Safety Management

Contractor safety management is a critical aspect of health and safety in the UK. The law requires employers to manage the safety of contractors working on their premises to ensure that employees and other people are not exposed to unnecessary risks.


Managing Safety in Maintenance Work

Maintenance work is essential in ensuring the proper functioning of equipment and infrastructure in various industries. However, it poses a significant risk to workers' safety and health due to the potential for accidents and exposure to hazards. In the UK, employers have a legal obligation to manage safety in maintenance work to protect their employees from harm.


Waste Management

Waste management in the United Kingdom (UK) is regulated by a complex network of laws and regulations designed to ensure that waste is handled and disposed of in an environmentally sound and safe manner.


Work Related Ill Health

The United Kingdom's Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has identified reducing work-related ill health as its top priority for the next decade. This objective reflects a growing recognition of the significant impact that work-related ill health can have on individuals, families, and society as a whole.


Workplace Vehicle and Transport Safety 

Workplace vehicle and transport safety is a key concern for employers in the UK. The law requires employers to assess and manage the risks associated with workplace vehicles and transport to ensure the safety of employees and other people who may be affected by vehicle movements.


Health and Safety Law

The range of legislation and related issues affecting the field of Health & Safety is complex and ever changing. Within this climate, it is essential that all Health & Safety professionals keep up-to-date with current changes and future legislative developments affecting the work environment.